• I love anything chocolaty. I know, that’s so unusual. My kids are learning how to bake, so we naturally went for a sure thing; chocolate cake. While we were mixing our batter, my daughter declared, “You know what goes best with chocolate? Peanut butter!” Not one to argue, especially with something so absolutely true. We debated the best way to incorporate peanut butter into our cakes. The obvious choice was to go with peanut butter frosting, but that felt too easy. Then we considered a peanut butter swirl. Eventually we settled on the idea of having a peanut butter surprise in our cakes. On this day we were making mini cakes. Not a cake, not a cup cake, but mini cakes. To make mini cakes we use either ramekins or small glass dishes.

    To make some decadent chocolate surprise mini cakes you will need:
    Chocolate cake batter
    You can make this from scratch (Yum!) but if you are pressed for time, or just feel like it feel free to use a box. All that matters is that you have a chocolate cake batter that tastes yummy.
    1 cup peanut butter
    1 cup powdered sugar

    Preheat your oven to 350 degrees. Butter and flour your ramekins to prevent sticking. Prepare your cake batter per your recipe. Set aside.

    In a separate bowl combine your peanut butter and sugar. Try to refrain from eating it. Divide the peanut butter mixture into equal parts. It should be a fairly stiff dough, you should be able to roll it into a ball. The size of your peanut butter balls will directly correlate to how many ramekins you are planning to fill.

    To assemble your cakes fill the bottoms of your ramekins 1/3 of the way full of cake batter. Add one portion of peanut butter goodness. Cover with more cake batter.

    Bake in your preheated oven for about 15-20 minutes or until done.

    These little bad boys are good just as is, without the need for frosting. If however, you still want some, consider some chocolate glaze or syrup instead of a full blown frosting.